Welcome to Pokébag!

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The short version of all of this is that I built Pokébag to make my life a little better when playing Pokémon UNITE (and eventually when playing other Pokémon games), and I hope it helps to make your life a little better, too.

#In the Beginning...

Back in 2016 — not long after the release of Pokémon GO — I started a project to make it easier to manage your Pokémon GO inventory. It was a simple app that provided some features that would eventually be added to the game (like bulk transfers), as well as some features that are still difficult to come by (like revealing the raw stats of your Pokémon). Unfortunately, Niantic quickly shut down access to the systems that made it possible for Pokébag to do it's thing. I thought that was the end of Pokébag...

#What Brought the Project Back to Life?

Recently, Pokémon UNITE was released for the Nintendo Switch. I started playing it about a week after release and I was hooked. The game is a ton of fun, but just like Pokémon GO, it obscures the raw stats of your Pokémon (even though it reveals the stat bonuses from your items 🤔). I couldn't stand not being able to see how much of an impact my Float Stone had on my Talonflame! Is +120 speed a lot‽ I needed to know!

To solve my own issue, I decided to revive the Pokébag project to help me decide whether I should be using the Aeos Cookie or the Assault Vest.

#So, It's a PokéMon Unite Site?

Well, not exactly... I'm currently playing Pokémon UNITE, but I'm also actively playing Pokémon GO, Pokémon Sword & Shield, and Pokémon Snap, and on occasion I'll go back and play some of the older games! I'd love for Pokébag to become a trove of information for all things Pokémon! Not just for raw data, either, but also for tools and utilities (like our Item Upgrade Calculator for UNITE) for all Pokémon games!

But yeah, right now it's basically just a Pokémon UNITE site. 🤣

#The Future

So what does the future hold for Pokébag? Currently I've got information for all of the held items, but I'd like to add so much more...

#Adding More Raw Data

The next step is adding raw data for all of the Pokémon in UNITE. The only numbers I haven't been able to figure out is how Pokémon speed is affected as they level up (I really need to know how much impact that Float Stone has), but I've got the rest of it gathered up. I'll get all of that added to the site soon.

#Unite Builds

There are several sites out there that allow users to create and save Pokémon UNITE builds (big shoutout to unite-db and Pokémon Unite.gg). I'd love to find a good way to interface with those sites to share builds, but that's probably a ways down the road.

#Build Comparison

This is the big mamajama that I want for myself. I want to be able to create my two separate Slowbro builds and be able to compare the raw numbers! What's my total attack number look like when I'm using Attack Weight instead of Scope Lens?


Once I've finished building the comparison tool it's time to move on to simulations. I want to be able to simulate my Gengar jungle build's total damage over the course of a match to see if it's better than my Talonflame jungle build. Maybe one of them peaks mid game, while the other starts weak and goes on to do massive damage in the late game! I NEED TO KNOW!


I'm excited to build more cool things for Pokébag! I hope you get as much value out of it as I'm enjoying building it. ❤️

If you have comments or find bugs, feel free to open an issue on Github, or you can tweet at me!