Bug Reporting for Pokémon UNITE!

    • Pokémon UNITE
    • Site News
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I've launched a new tool for reporting bugs in Pokémon UNITE! The goal is to allow the UNITE community to compile all of the bugs we find in the game in one spot!

#Why a Bug Reporting Tool?

For all of the fun we're having playing Pokémon UNITE, the game has a lot of bugs. Some of them are minor visual glitches that have no impact on gameplay. Others, however, are game-breaking bugs that can turn the tide of a battle. If players don't know about these bugs they could be caught completely off guard, leaving them frustrated and maybe even causing them to leave the community. Losing players is the last thing we want.

That's why I built the bug reporting tool. There are several communities out there that are doing the work of finding these bugs, but there's no one place to go and see what's broken. Being able to see a list of all the issues we currently know of could go a long way towards helping players avoid them, as well as bringing these problems to the attention of the game developers.

#Cool... So How Do I Report a Bug?

Reporting is easy!

  1. First, you'll need to create a Pokébag account, which we'll eventually use for all sorts of other cool stuff!
  2. Next, head on over our new Report a Bug page.
  3. Once you've finished typing up your bug, hit submit!

That's it! The bug will be passed off to our moderators for verification. Once they've verified a bug report it'll be published to our new Known Bugs page! You'll even get credit on the published bug if your report is verified. 😉


  1. First off, a big thanks to circa (the creator of unite-db.com). this whole tool was his idea and I'm not sure there's anything else I could add to Pokébag that would have quite the impact that this will. 🥰
  2. Second, thanks to Mathgeek for all of his help testing out the new features! Additionally, Mathgeek is our first moderator! 🥳
  3. Finally, I want to give a HUGE shoutout to the general Pokémon UNITE community! I've seen so many diligent players busting their butts to collect this kind of info, and it's just awesome to see. Keep it up, and please don't hesitate to reach out to me if there's something I can add to Pokébag to help support your efforts! ❤️


Thanks for hanging out with me here on Pokébag and for helping to compile all of this information! If you run into any issues with the tool or the site, don't hesitate to reach out to me! You can join me on the new Pokébag Discord, or you send tweets to @PokebagApp.